Does it feel like alone is no longer enough? Curious if debriefing is the right healing modality for you?
The Debriefing hour invites discovery and the time between sessions is used for reflection and practice.
Nurse and Veteran founded 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Executive Director
"Debriefing the Front Lines has given me a space to share my experiences of being a nurse during the pandemic. Discussing shared traumatic and difficult experiences with other nurses is incredibly therapeutic. Relating to fellow nurses allows me to release anxiety and maybe even have a laugh. Creativity even further adds to the therapeutic effect which Debriefing the Front Lines provides"
"Every human has something to express, especially while living through a pandemic. I have always expressed myself through visual arts. This form of creativity allows me to escape from the present for just a few moments where I am not a nurse, not a woman, not a daughter— I’m just… abundantly me. It allows me to fill myself with passion so that when I am in tune with reality, I can pour that passion onto others."
"In my time working with Tara I have been able to cultivate self-compassion, resiliency, and a relationship with myself that I hadn’t thought possible. I’ve gone from self-sabotaging and being at war with myself, to reaching goals and living a life that I’m passionate about. I am so thankful for this space that Debriefing the Front Lines has created and the much-needed work they’re doing. "
"Debriefing the Front Lines offers a safe and creative outlet where healers can heal. Finding opportunities like this to play with flowers or engage in other creative activities fills up my cup amidst all that comes with being a nurse and walking alongside others in their darkest moments. Truly, we all need places where we can come together and decompress, so that we can get up the next day, be our best, and continue to do the work."
"After my first session with Kacie, I knew I wanted to continue to work with her. I felt seen, heard, witnessed, and held in a safe container without judgement that could allow me to safely reach and resolve the root of the trauma I am currently carrying with me, affecting my daily life. I have great appreciation for this organization and the work you are doing healing the healers."
"Debriefing the Front Lines has been such a cornerstone to my improved mental health and better outlook on nursing. I am so grateful that Tara took it upon herself to create an organization that helps nurses address their mental health. I have worked with Kacie for over half a year now for debriefings, coaching, and timeline therapy. I nearly left nursing due to cumulative care taking trauma, stress, burnout, and moral injury. Outside of work, I was either over functioning and stuck in a hyper aroused reactive state, or stuck, stagnant and, and sedentary. In my personal and professional life, I was lost. It’s been so tough addressing all that I’ve seen and felt, but Kacie has really listened and helped me identify and troubleshoot ongoing issues. She first listened in the debriefings, then she helped me make clear actionable steps with reasonable deadlines to help me get back on my feet with the coaching sessions. Kacie is so approachable and flexible with her times and communications, she is more than willing to meet her clients halfway. Her honesty, compassion, and vulnerability makes sessions smooth and easy. With Kacie's Timeline Therapy, I have become more aware of myself and my coping mechanisms. It was surprising to find how many beliefs I'd held onto as a child that have affected my day to day life. Together, we worked to address limiting beliefs and traumas. She is very thorough and cohesive in connecting the past, present, and future ideas. I find myself more at ease when coping with daily stresses and recognizing the past beliefs when they occur. I highly recommend Kacie to anyone looking for debriefing, coaching, and timeline therapy. She is adept and highly professional. It has been a pleasure growing and working with her."
""Thank you so much Michelle! I can't tell you how much it means to me to receive your loving wisdom.""
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