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Question 1 of 7
How did you first hear about Debriefing the Front Lines?
Question 2 of 7
Are you currently working?
No, I'm on a temporary leave of absence/FMLA
No, I'm in between jobs and may need financial assistance to schedule a debriefing.
Question 3 of 7
How long have you been a nurse?
0-3 Years
3-8 Years
8-15 Years
15+ Years
Question 4 of 7
Which phrase best describes your current emotional experience?
Despair and suffering.
Feelings of shame, guilt, grief, unworthiness and soul exhaustion that is spilling over into my personal life.
Shutdown and dissociating.
I don't know.
Question 5 of 7
Which phrase best describes your current physical experience?
I feel healthy and well and looking to maintain my well being/becoming.
I feel run down and don't feel well.
Question 6 of 7
What level of support do you think you need right now?
(Many people aren't sure! That's okay and why we are here.)
I'm looking for short-term support, maybe a couple of debriefing sessions.
I'm looking to build a long-term relationship with a Debriefing Facilitator.
Question 7 of 7
Is there a specific topic you MOST want to talk about?
I'm a ICU Nurse who is considering leaving and this decision comes with feelings of both grief and relief.
I had a really traumatic event at work recently that I need to acknowledge, discuss and process to recover a sense of internal safety.
I am experiencing long term stress from both personal and professional trauma that is taking a toll on my well being + well becoming.
Iām not sure. I want to talk to someone to figure that out.