Debriefing the Front Lines

Short Term Support Sessions

Alone is no longer enough.    

Through guided self reflection, Debriefing offers clarity surrounding critical incidents and assists in establishing a process for recovering a sense of safety in the aftermath of trauma. 


This includes single incident trauma - an event you cannot stop thinking about, as well as Cumulative Care Taking Trauma®.




Mission Driven Work,

Heart Centered Pricing + Love As A Strategy.  


An Introduction to Debriefing


Start here // One 30 minute session


  • Meet your Debriefing Facilitator
  • Learn more about debriefing and working with a board certified nurse coach
  • Explore tools and resources utilized by Debriefing the Front Lines 
  • Discuss support options and decide if debriefing is the right healing modality for you 
Begin Here

2 Session Debriefing Package


2 One Hour Sessions + Post Session Summary Emails

Ideal for nurses who wish to focus on one of the following 

  • Process a critical event/ single incident trauma 
  • Recover a sense safety after a traumatic event 
  • Experience the power of being heard 
  • Discuss a specific topic or challenge
  • Desire 1:1 support as a follow up post CE Workshop
  • Are seeking trauma informed career guidance 

4 Session Debriefing Package


4 One Hour Sessions + Post Session Summary Emails

Ideal for nurses who wish to

  • Manage the physical, emotional + spiritual effects of cumulative care taking trauma
  • Explore non-pharmacological and nervous system regulation techniques at a comfortable and consistent pace
  • These 4 sessions can be booked at your own pace and never expire  


Nursing connects us. There is both an unspoken understanding and shared language. An energetic trust.

We start with nursing but we don’t always stay there, we explore the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the human experience - bedside and beyond.


The debriefing hour invites discovery and the time between sessions is used for reflection and practice.

View Our Long Term Support Offerings Here